Fiero Oddities (Strange Variations)
Crazy variations of the Fiero (or Fiero name)
4WD Fieros
Redneck style!
Ferrari Enzo Replica
No no no
ASC Convertible at Barret Jackson
Suns out, guns out!
Fiero Trikes
No no no
Blown 455 Coupe
More power!
Fierrari Limo
No no no
Concept 2000
Very limited production
Just Plain Wrong
No no no
Electric Fiero
No no no
Enterra VP-6
Limited production
Fastlane by Trans FX
Fiero Boat
Although not that practical, I would take it out once or twice.
Fierrari Limo
No no no
Fiero Powered 1939 Chevy
Hells yeah!
Hollywood Camera Car
Very cool
Hybrid Fiero
Someone thinking outside the box
Jalapeno Fiero
PISA body kit
Japanese Fiero
1985 model, imported into Japan and converted to their government specs.
Available through select Pontiac dealerships, this was an aftermarket accessory available only as a completed vehicle. The kit was never offered to the direct public, and as such it was not considered a "kit car". It was marketed as an original design, but had strong visual cues taken directly from the Ferrari 308.
The story on this vehicle involves it's origin in Russia, it's almost demise their, hiding it from the authorities, shuttling it to America and it's rise to fame as a possible kit car. The downfall was that the owner was killed in a motorcycle accident and the car disappeared shortly afterwards. I would love to know what happened to this car.
Police Fieros
Obviously promotional pieces only.
Racing Fieros
Sweet rides
Smokey Yunick Fiero
Smokey Yunick tribute car. The engine was built by Smokey, but pulled out and sat in his shop for years. After his death, a family friend got it and installed it in this Fiero. I was lucky enough to drive this car and can say that it was awesome!
Using the Fiero Name
Interesting "Fiero" things
V8 Archie Customs
My buddy V8 Archie
Zimmer Quicksilver
Zimmer built a unique body for the Fiero